Spying equipment seized by the KGB

American RC-135 strategic reconnaissance aircraft. Purpose – photo and radio-technical reconnaissance.

A camera with a telephoto lens that can take pictures from up to 10 km (seized from an American agent).
A collection of cameras from various systems seized from enemy agents.
Cameras, film and manuals taken from enemy agents.
Miniature American and German-made cameras (on the top cameras are shown that were disguised as matchboxes).
Minox camera, often used by spies to photograph secret objects.

Mikroma miniature camera built into a bicycle headlight.

Spy Kiškė’s camera.

American-made four-unit portable radio station with encryption and data recording devices.

The tape recorder used by the American spy-diplomat Smith to record conversations with Soviet citizens.

Canister for concealing a radio station.

A belt worn on the body to store spy data. Such belts were usually worn by spies-diplomats.

Hiding places in household objects (pipe, knife, soap, spool of thread, brush, shaving knife?).

American agent’s household items. He kept a notepad with ciphers and spy notes in a fishing rod, instructions in the handle of a Finnish knife, and pills used for secret writing in a shaving brush.

Shelter in a statue stand. Minox miniature camera hidden inside.

Household items used to store espionage data of enemy agents.

American spy’s hiding place in a woman’s purse lock.

Finnish knife, spool of thread and coin specially adapted to store espionage data (seized from an NTS agent).

A container in the form of a porous rubber in which radio tubes were sent to the agent.

A book with one sheet of copy paper of a secret text, and handkerchiefs with secret text preparations. By moistening the handkerchief in alcohol, the spy would obtain a solution for writing secret texts.

Boxes of soil samples taken by Krau, an American jazz orchestra musician, in different parts of the USSR. Discovered during customs inspection.

Means and forms for forging documents.